Our Blog

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What was I Made For? Body Image, Positivity, and Neutrality

What was I Made For? Body Image, Positivity, and Neutrality

I listened to Billie Eilish’s Grammy and Academy Award-winning juggernaut, “What Was I Made For?” the other day and thought about body image. As a gay man with a disability, my journey to accepting the way I occupy space in the world has been a long and sometimes...

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Affirming Me and You

Affirming Me and You

My husband gave me a coffee mug that got me thinking about the importance of affirmation. It’s nothing fancy as coffee mugs go, but the rainbow of words on the outside inevitably gives me a lift. It says, “You are brave, bold, kind, courageous, proud, fierce, strong,...

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Why I (Finally) Chose Therapy

Why I (Finally) Chose Therapy

I resisted therapy for decades. It wasn’t as if I didn’t have problems, but like a lot of people, I thought I was doing just fine without help. I could always come up with an excuse to avoid being in therapy. I told myself it was because I didn’t have the time or the...

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